Key West, Florida
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Saturday, October
31, 2015
The Big Parade. Duval closed. Street Food. The invasion of the
Bus People, Gawkers and the Immature.
Our mural still looks good. We have a
relaxing morning at the condo.
...And then out and about town.
Very quiet down at Mallory Dock, but there is a Cruise ship
in town.
The girls buy a couple of
petit cover-ups for when we are out of the Fantasy Fest Zone.
The Cruise ship crew takes advantage of free wifi in front of a
Gee, getting the paint off the
nipples is a bitch.
Yummy...good street food! We wander back to the Conch
Dave and I check out the lobster boat. Dave wants
to join the crew.
I, however, prefer to chat with this gorgeous Princess.
Folks are already getting ready for the Big Parade, staking
out their spots along the route.
We head back to the Condo for a rest and to get ready.
The streets in Truman Annex are quiet.
And so the Big Saturday night Parade begins...
After the parade we head back to Green Street and
check in with Gabe and Aileen.
Things are cranking up. There's more than painting
going on!
The Key West mounted police force puts in an appearance.
They do such a good job of making this a safe event for everyone.
Hat's off to them!
Gentle petting is allowed.
Sadly, we say good by to all out friends and fans, and head
back to the Condo at a respectable hour.
Another Fantasy Fest has come and gone. Now it's time
to pack up the car for our
6 hour drive home. Our remarkable Mural has lasted
through 2 nights and still looks good on the day number 3. We
are going to wear it home and surprise a few friends.
Time for one last Breakfast beer to help us pack up.
Yikes! Where did all this stuff come from? Maybe
next year we'll just stick to paint.
Back home in 6 hours and we drop in on some friends.
edit note: When u use the
template change the link to the corresponding year, day &
bookmark from the Beauties page. Also change "go to next day"
link to the next day.
Last updated on
Saturday, November 28, 2015