Parade Day & Party at Wyland's Gallery
Our amazing paint job has survived the night with
minimal damage.
We are good to go for at least another day.
We enjoy a final Brunch in the garden of our beautiful house.
Out on Duval Street, yet again.
Master Craig finds us.
We stop by Wylands Gallery and Andy invites us
to the private
party tonight at Wyland's downtown Gallery
This is quite an honor.
Troy at work.
Some job?
The Parade, as it passes the Wyland Gallery
We duck back into
the Gallery.
It's crazy out there!
A late night snack at the Best Wendy's Ever
The mounted police start herding the crowd back
down Duval Street.
We wore our Friday paint jobs home on Sunday
They still looked so good we decided to go
and surprise (shock?) some of our friends and neighbors at home.
Oh my, sad but
Fantasy Fest is over for another year.
But we'll be back!